Monday, June 29, 2009

Routine Military Checkpoint

Because there is a lot of drug traffiking going on right now in Baja, the military has set up checkpoint along the major highway where you have to stop and tell them who you are and where you're from and where you're going, etc. They also sometimes do a search of your car. Because we were bringing a bunch of sound equipment back from our trip to San Quintin, we got stopped and the soldiers searched our car. This is not the noteworthy thing, but instead the best part is what the people in the car in front of us got stopped for....

let's just say they had a good time freaking out the gringa with their giant snow crab... and the back of their pick up was Full of them!

Another interesting encounter I had at one of these military stops was in one of our 12-passenger YWAM vans. A motley crew full of YWAMers - germans, mexicans, americans, canadians - we got stopped, asked the routine questions about where we were and where we were going, then the soldier went around to the side door, opened it and asked, "are you guys all Family?" we all burst out laughing, thinking, "he's gotta be kidding!" our driver just calmly responded - "yes, the family of God." :)

"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring..." Proverbs 27:1

1 comment:

Thomas Yang said...

HAHA! Oh Susie, this was a good update
1) your driver is a very clever and godly man
2) I could imagine you freaking out
3) good proverb :-)

keep up the updates!!