Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Friends and Food

Here is a picture of me with some of the other students here in Ensenada: Danielle from Minnesota, Kyoko from Japan, Gordana from Germany, me, and Elizabeth from Wheaton. The other students that are here with me are mostly from California, Minnesota, Oregon, North Carolina, and Canada. That is something I just love about YWAM, there are people from all over the world, all here serving God together! Today I ate lunch with some of the staff here: Jason from New Zealand, Jean-Phillipe from Switzerland and Katelyze from Mexico. I love learning from all the different cultures and languages and customs of the different people I meet, it's one of my favorite things about doing missions! I'm trying to get Kyoko and Gordana to teach me a new phrase everyday, so by the end of my 5 months I can be quad-lingual, hahaha, not really, but at least know what to say if I make any other German or Japanese friends :)

The food on the base is really great. We eat both American and Mexican food, mostly American food (which comes from Costco, which we also have here!) Usually we have cereal and muffins for breakfast, sandwiches and salad for lunch, and then some bigger dish for dinner, like chicken, roast beef or pasta. My favorite meals though are the Mexican ones: tostadas, flautas, tacos de carne asada, etc. This weekend, I ate shrimp tacos for the first time and they were delicious! I acutally eat alot here, because we have snacks during our break in the middle of class, which can range from fruits and veggies to cake, and then usually have ice cream or popcorn at night. So, no worries about me not eating enough while I'm down here! We are very blessed, and there is always more than enough food to go around. There is also a great taco stand down the street that we love to go to, where the pile on the beef, cilantro, red onions and guacamole, they're the best. Yum!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Address in Ensenada

Please write to me! I love getting mail, and you can send everything to our sister base in San Diego, so you dont have to worry about the Mexican mail system!

YWAM San Diego/Baja
Susie Walter/Ensenada DTS
100 W. 35th St, Suite C
National City, CA 91950

I'm waiting to hear from you!

Discipleship Training School in...


Hola! I'm excited to tell you that I have enrolled this fall in the Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Ensenada, Mexico. I will be sure to keep you up-to-date about all my adventures here, and stay in touch while I am away!

WHAT IS A DTS? The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is designed to encourage young people toward personal character development, cultivating their relationship with God, and identifying their unique gifts and callings. After completing the DTS, I believe that I will be more prepared to work with current and future generations of students in ministry, as well as respond to the call in the Bible that says to“go into all the world and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

The DTS is an intensive Christian discipleship course beginning with 3 months of teaching followed by 2 months of field assignment. During the lecture phase, I will receive Biblical training on topics such as worship, intercession, spiritual warfare, and God’s heart for the lost. After completing this part of the training, I will take part in an outreach in Latin America where I will be able to practically use what I have learned in a cross-cultural setting. I am really excited about this opportunity to combine my degree in Spanish from IWU and my ministry experience there with the new lessons I am learning here.

For those who don't know, Ensenada is just 2 hours across the border from San Diego. The drive is absolutely beautiful, as it is right along the Pacific coast. Here are some maps, to help clarify exactly where I am...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Locks of Love: New Haircut!

Hello friends and family! Below are the images of my recent haircut... :) I donated my hair to Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for children with long-term hair loss. Many of the children who receive wigs from this organization have cancer. Now, you only need 10 inches to donate, so consider it for you or your child today!

For more info, visit http://locksoflove.org/