Saturday, July 7, 2007

New Team from Canada

After a nice 3 days of rest, 30 students and leaders arrived from Red Deer, Canada. They filled up the doors with all their stuff and high school energies. The average age of the students is about 15, so the group is a lot more dynamic (meaning loud). For Tuesday-Thursday, we had training for the students. This included a prayer walk around the town of Heredia, a team building ropes course, and sessions about social justice and cultural information. When it was finally time to start outreach on Friday, we were all really ready to go! Friday morning we headed to one of the poorest neighborhoods in Heredia, called Guarari. We held a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the about 75 of the neighborhood kids. In the afternoon the team returned to the house that the past team build last week and finished up with some construction and painting. It was nice to get to go back and talk with the woman about her house, she's so excited about being able to move in soon. This morning we went back to Guarari and did VBS again, it's really nice to be able to return to see the same kids each day and really get to know them. This afternoon we went to a local youth group. Some of the kids from Canada know how to break dance so they did a short presentation for all the youth and they really liked it. Tonight a local pastor came to the base and preached to the team and I got to translate, which was exciting. I'll try to get some pictures of everything up soon. There is alot of work with this team of 30 and not much time to write. Hasta luego!

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