A clown giving an impromptu show to an Argentine family on a street corner in downtown Buenos Aires
A man driving this old car down one of the city streets, and he's doing from the right hand side!
A Chicago-esque scene: the Buenos Aires planetarium
Mini version/model of the neighborhood La Boca
Giant statue of... I don't even know... in La Boca
Looks a bit like Big Ben, no? Here is the "Torre de los Ingleses" (Tower of the English) in downtown Buenos Aires
This man was waiting on a street corner outside the zoo with two little ponies with sombreros on, perhaps offering rides to little kids before they go to the zoo? Who knows...
Wait, is the light red or yellow? You don't have to decide! The lights here change to red AND yellow right before they turn green
A few other interesting things I've encountered while living here:
~On the 29th of every month, everyone eats gnocchis. My host mom couldn't tell me why, but apparently gnocchis become the special in restaurants and the main dish in homes on the 29th of each month.
~ They have some interesting superstitions here... for example, you cannot pass the salt shaker from one person to another at a table - you need to put it down on the table first so that the other person can pick it up themselves. It's bad luck to pass it from hand to hand... I also found out that leaving your purse on the ground anywhere (your house, a restaurant, etc) is considered to bring you bad luck financially.
~Something that I noticed here is that no one wears gloves - ever. For example, last week Monday, May 28, was the coldest day in May that Buenos Aires had experienced in 100 years, reaching a low of 30 degrees F. (yes, and I'm so glad I was there to be a part of that... not really). Anyway, no one was wearing gloves, except for me of course, who was freezing yet well-prepared, being from Chicago. My host mom told me that gloves are just considered a bother - like when you are trying to pay for your bus ticket, or look for something in your purse, etc- so people don't ever use them. And it doesn't really snow here, so they just consider them unnecessary.
That's all for now, perhaps I'll have a few more "wait... what?" moments before I leave in just 4 short days!
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